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Quick solution

Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Lemmings, Amiga, Mayhem, 23 - Going up....... Level 23

  • Going up.......

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 100

  • 80% to be saved

  • Release rate: 70

  • Available time: 09:00

  • Skills: Lemmings, Amiga, Mayhem, 23 - Going up.......
  • Overview: Lemmings, Amiga, Mayhem, 23 - Going up.......
  • Turn the second lemming into a blocker. Bash through the wall and start building. The lemming will turn when he hits the wall. Let it walk up and back down. Start building Now bash through the top of the wall. Turn the lemming into a floater. When he falls, build stairs to the right and to the left. Make sure the lemming stops building so he drops before the sphere. Bash through the sphere and build over the blocker.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings, Amiga platform.