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Quick solution

Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 8 - The Art Gallery Level 8

  • The Art Gallery

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 100

  • 100% to be saved

  • Release rate: 20

  • Available time: 04:00

  • Skills: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 8 - The Art Gallery
  • Overview: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 8 - The Art Gallery
  • Let the second lemming bash through the arch-like obstacle. The first lemming should bash through the first column. Turn the basher (the second lemming) into a builder so he stops bashing. Now bash towards the exit with the first lemming and build stairs. When he's near the exit, free the other lemmings by bashing through the arch-like obstacle.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings, Amiga platform.