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Quick solution

Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Highland, 8 - The White Heather Club Level 8

  • The White Heather Club

  • Number of lemmings that die: 0

  • Available time: 05:00

  • Skills: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Highland, 8 - The White Heather Club
  • Overview: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Highland, 8 - The White Heather Club
  • First put the canon at the place shown in the picture. The moment the first lemmings is blown away, move the cannon to the right. Now immediately give the chain full speed. Let it drop to half speed but not below! Jump the first lemming over the gap, he should return and fall. If everything went ok, he grabs the chain. Now give the chain full speed and release the lemming at the left side of the stone. Jump over the gap and hop over the other gaps. Now platform and bash. Near the exit, platform again and let the lemming return. Use a laser at the place shown in the picture. Bash through the last obstacle near the exit. Notice that some lemmings keep using the canon, let them jump over it.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga platform.