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Quick solution

3D Lemmings - DOS


  • Quicklink: 3D Lemmings, DOS, Tricky, 32 - Dot To Dot Level 32

  • Dot To Dot

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 80

  • Release rate: 15

  • Available time: 12:00

  • Lemmings to save: 30

  • Skills: 3D Lemmings, DOS, Tricky, 32 - Dot To Dot
  • Overview: 3D Lemmings, DOS, Tricky, 32 - Dot To Dot
  • Subfigure: 1Subfigure: 2Subfigure: 3Subfigure: 4Subfigure: 5Subfigure: 6Subfigure: 7
  • When the first lemming drops down a platform, make him a right turner and make the next one a builder. Use a turner and a builder to get to platform number two (#1). Now build towards platform number three and four (#2). Repeat the same to reach platform number six (#3). Now guide the lemmings down and build towards platform seven and eight (#4). Guide the lemmings down again and build towards platform nine and ten (#5). Do the same to reach platform eleven (#6). When you've reached platform twelve, use a last turner and build towards the exit (#7).

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: 3D Lemmings, DOS platform.