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Quick solution

The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Classic, 23 Level 23

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 44

  • Available time: Time: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Classic, 23

  • Lemmings to save: 3

  • Overview: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Classic, 23
  • Make the first lemming a blocker and let the upper trapped lemming dig down underneath the arrow. Drop the remaining spades and pick up the bricks, drop the bricks in the pit and turn back to the left. Pick up the shimmiers and climb up, pick up another shimmiers, turn back and drop them. Now turn back again, jump over the gap and drop the other shimmiers. Walk back again and make this lemming a blocker. Let the lower lemming climb out and stack using the bricks, now release the blockers. Don't forget to save the third lemming, let him build out of the pit and when he's down, let him climb up.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga platform.