Number of lemmings that drop: 48
Available time:
Lemmings to save: 1
Let one lemming jump over the gap and shimmier over the pit. Walk back and fall down in the pit and pick up all the brick tools. Stack all the way up and walk to the right. Walk away the desintegrating steps and walk back to the left. Make sure the lemming jumps on top of the ceiling where the lemming is trapped. The ceiling must be walked away so the trapped lemming can pick up the spades. The trapped lemming must bash to the right and jump to the right onto the platform with the bricks. Let it pick up the bricks and jump to the left. Platform over the water and drop down, pick up the bricks and build stair to the right. Walk towards the exit and build stairs downwards. Now drop the remaining bricks and jump towards the spades, jump back and walk all the way to the left. Bash through the wall and through the thick wall towards the lemmings. All lemmings can reach the exit now.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga platform.