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3D Lemmings



The following skills are available:

Basher 3D Lemmings - Basher skill
To make horizontal corridors, give a lemming the basher skill. He will bash the way he is facing until he reaches the other end of the obstacle he is bashing. Not all terrain is penetratable, this terrain will make the lemmings stop bashing.
Blocker 3D Lemmings - Blocker skill
To turn lemmings around, make one lemming a blocker. This can be used to trap lemmings between a wall and a blocker or between two blockers. A blocker can be released by removing the ground underneath him, or you can explode the lemming. In the latter, the lemming keeps blocking lemmings until he explodes.
Bomber 3D Lemmings - Bomber skill
Sometimes you need to remove a wall and you only can make lemmings an exploder. The lemming dies in the explosion, surrounding lemmings are not affected but a small crater is left after the explosion. When a lemming is given the bomber skill, a countdown number appears above his head, counting down to 1 starting with 5.
Builder 3D Lemmings - Builder skill
Sign a lemming to be builder and he will build a 12-step diagonal upwards staircase. If the lemming hits a wall while building, he stops and walks back. Should the lemming hit a blocker, he turns around and continues building.
Climber 3D Lemmings - Climber skill
When given to a lemming, he can climb vertical walls. If the lemming encounters some overhang, the lemming falls down and walks back again. He can die when he falls down. The lemming keeps this skill until the level ends.
Digger 3D Lemmings - Digger skill
A vertical shaft can be made with a digger. When a lemming is a digger, he digs down until he reaches the bottom side off the floor or platform. And again, not all terrain is penetratable.
Floater 3D Lemmings - Floater skill
Any lemming that has been made a floater, will float in the air and can now fall great heights. The lemming keeps this skill until the level ends.
Miner 3D Lemmings - Miner skill
A miner makes diagonal downwards corridors the way he is facing. When the lemmings mined through the floor or platform, he stops mining. Again, not all terrain is penetratable.
Turner 3D Lemmings - Turner skill
To turn lemmings 90 degrees, make one lemming a turner. This can be used make lemmings go another way. A turner can be released by removing the ground underneath him, or you can explode the lemming. In the latter, the lemming keeps turning lemmings until he explodes.


These controls are also available:

Change camera 3D Lemmings - Change camera control
Every level has a different camerapoints, switch between them with this control.
Change height 3D Lemmings - Pause change height control
The height off the viewpoint can be changed with this control.
Decrease Release Rate 3D Lemmings - Decrease Release Rate control
With this control, the player can adjust the release rate so the lemmings drop from the entrance with longer intervals. The minimum release rate is a fixed number which can be different in every level.
Fast Forward level 3D Lemmings - Pause fast forward control
Using the fast forward control, the time and speed goes faster. This can be used to speed up the level when the player is only waiting for lemmings reach the exit.
Highlight lemming 3D Lemmings - Highlight lemming control
To easily give one specific lemming a skill, one can highlight the lemming first with this control.
Increase Release Rate 3D Lemmings - Increase Release Rate control
With this control, the player can adjust the release rate so the lemmings drop from the entrance with smaller intervals. The maximum release rate is 99.
Nuke level 3D Lemmings - Nuke level control
When al hope is lost on finishing the level, the player can nuke the level. This will kill all levels and gives the option to restart the level if not enough lemmings are saved. It's also used to end the level when enough lemmings are saved and the player does not want to save anymore lemmings. Also, use it to kill any remaining blockers when there is no bomber skill (left).
Pause level 3D Lemmings - Pause level control
This control can be used to pause the game and scout the level to come up with a good strategy. With some strategies, the game must be paused to do simultanious actions.
Rotate clockwise 3D Lemmings - Rotate clockwise control
Use this control to rotate the viewpoint clockwise.
Rotate counterclockwise 3D Lemmings - Rotate counterclockwise control
Use this control to rotate the viewpoint counterclockwise.
Virtual lemming 3D Lemmings - Virtual lemming control
It can be fun, or even necessary to wath a level through the eyes of a lemming, that can be done with this control.

Last edit: Sunday, 13 January 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: 3D Lemmings, Dos platform.