We all fall down
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
100% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 03:00
Set the drop down rate to 70 and dig down. Every lemming must be very close together!
The Far Side
Number of lemmings that drop: 75
100% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 04:00
Turn the first lemming into a climber. With the second lemming build the first part of the stairs out of the pit. Dig down and bash to the left with the first lemmings. Again dig down. Now bash to the left, the lemming will turn around. Don't let the lemming climb out of the pit you've created but dig down. Now bash and build stairs. Bash again and build your way up to the exit. When there are no more gaps, build out of the pit.
The Great Lemming Caper
Number of lemmings that drop: 2
100% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Let the first lemming dig down two blocks at the right hand of the pile. The second lemming should dig down one and a half block. Turn the second lemming into a blocker and let the first one build. When he turns back, bash under the second lemming to free him. The second lemming should bash through the next pile and build. Also bash through the last pile to get to the exit. Now turn the first lemming into a climber.
Pea Soup
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
93% to be saved
Release rate: 70
Available time: 05:00
When the first lemming hits the ground, build immediately. Dig a hole in the stairs so the lemmings will be trapped. Now build to the peas in the soup. Dig down where needed. Make sure you dig down at the last stair to drop on the metal. Fix the hole to save the other lemmings.
The Fast Food Kitchen...
Number of lemmings that drop: 100
96% to be saved
Release rate: 60
Available time: 02:00
Block on the left and right. On each side, a lemming should do the work. The best way is to start with the left side. The first lemming must climb and build the stairs. Because you have limited time, work simultaneously on both sides and increase the release rate.
Just a Minute...
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
100% to be saved
Release rate: 10
Available time: 01:00
Dig down the tiny floor and bash towards the exit. When you're halfway, set the release rate to 99.
Stepping Stones
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
87% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 04:00
Turn the second lemming into a blocker and build to the exit with the first lemming. Now remove the blocker. Stop digging with the last builder.
And then there were four....
Number of lemmings that drop: 100
90% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 09:00
Turn the first lemming lower-right into a climber and let it build over the water. Turn the first lemming upper-right into a miner and the second one into a blocker. Build back with the first lemming lower-right and build your way up. Now turn the first lemming upper-left into a blocker. With the first lemming lower-right, build over the obstacle right of the exit. Also build over the exit. Let it climb up the obstacle left of the exit. Build over the gap and when the lemming turns back, build over the obstacle left of the exit. Blow up both of the blockers and build out the lower-right pit. Now turn one lemming in the lower-left into a climber and build over the water. Now build out of the lower-left pit.
Time to get up!
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
92% to be saved
Release rate: 20
Available time: 05:00
Turn the second and third lemming into a climber. Make them bomber when they're a little above the release point. Build over the gap with the first lemming. Now build stairs to the exit. Start at the places shown in the picture. Now bomb through the wall separating the lemmings from the exit.
No added colours or Lemmings
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
100% to be saved
Release rate: 85
Available time: 05:00
Turn the second lemming into a blocker and bash through the wall with the first one. Build to the exit. Start as far as possible so the builder turns back. Now free the blocker by mining underneath him. Mine away the last step of the stair with the last lemming. Turn the two lemmings into climbers.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings, Amiga platform.