Down And Out Lemmings
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Just dig twice and you're finished.
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Bash twice and you're finished.
Undercover Lemming
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Bash through the three obstacles.
Downwardly Mobile Lemmings
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Place two blockers and bash through the obstacle to get to the exit.
Snuggle up to a Lemming
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Dig down through the floors and bash through the obstacle.
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Dig down and bash through the obstacle.
Who's That Lemming
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Bash through the obstacle. If a lemming turns back, turn it into a blocker left of the entrance. Now build up to the exit.
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Just dig down twice.
And now this...
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Build up twice.
New Lemmings On The Block
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
50% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
First bash through the obstacle and then mine down.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: Oh no! More Lemmings, Amiga platform.