The Five Arches
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 50
Available time: 04:00
Lemmings to save: 78
Make the first lemming a climber and let him dig when he's on top of the second block (#1). Make him build when he dug away a piece of the stone (#2). Now make another lemming a climber and return to the first lemming. Make him a bomber on top of the third block (#3). Now dig down with the second climber (#4). Go back to the entrance and make another lemming a climber, let him climb and dig. Halfway, blow him up (#5). Don't forget to increase the release rate.
Brechin's Staircase
Number of lemmings that drop: 60
Release rate: 50
Available time: 06:00
Lemmings to save: 55
Make the first two lemmings a climber and when the first one is over the one-way block, make him a blocker. Bash through the block with the second one (#1). Now blow up the blocker, place a turner at the corner and make another lemming a climber. Make hime a blocker when he's over the block and wait for the other climber (#2). Repeat this tactic another time (#3).
Tower Of Lemlab
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 5
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 50
Let the first lemming walk back and make it a turner so you can bash through the crate (#1). Now use two right turners and build stairs (#2). Let the lemmings walk back and then turn to the right three times (#3). Walk on and turn near the wall so one lemming can build over the gap. Walk on again two blocks and make the first lemming that drops a level a blocker (#4). Use turners to guide the lemmings towards the one-way block (#5). Two lemming should climb over the one-way block and bash through it, now you can use a turner to guide the lemmings to the transporter (#6). Near the exit, use two other turners to get the lemmings home (#7).
Ski Jump
Number of lemmings that drop: 20
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Lemmings to save: 12
Make the first lemming a floater and a climber so he climbs over the block away from the exit (#1). When he hits the ground, he will glide and turn back, bash through the wall (#2). When he's stopped sliding again, build stairs and make him a left turner (#3). Now free the other lemmings with a basher (#4). The first one to meet the turner should be made in a left turner, build with the next one (#5).
The Prisoner
Number of lemmings that drop: 20
Release rate: 20
Available time: 04:00
Lemmings to save: 17
First point your camera at the large slope and make every lemming walking on it a floater (#1). Now watch the 4 blocks, blow up the ones without the face on it (#2). Go to small slopes, on top of it, dig down the block without the face (#3). Now turn to the higher exit, build towards it (#4).
Family Tree
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 99
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 50
The lemmings will come out several openings, the first lemming from the four left openings should turn the lemmings to the middle of the field as should the first lemmings from the four right openings. In the middle, the first two lemmings should guide the lemmings towards the exit (#1). If you use the pause key to make a turner, you should only have to use 10 turners.
Driving Range
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 90
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 64
First pay attention to the lemmings that land near the steal blocks with water between them, build to every block and use a turner near the exit (#1). Now go to the place with all the bridges, use your turners to guide the lemmings towards the exit (#2). Now go the last bunch of lemmings, make one a climber (#3) and let him dig down the large wall (#4). He will walk back after a while, mine some stairs (#5). On top of the slope, mine again to get the lemmings to the exit (#6).
Five Towers
Number of lemmings that drop: 40
Release rate: 50
Available time: 06:30
Lemmings to save: 30
Make the first lemming a builder so that another lemming can climb over the middle tower, dig through the stairs (#1). Make the climber a bomber when he get's over the middle tower (#2). Now build zig-zag to get the lemmings up high (#3). Mine to free the other lemmings (#4). Use a turner to guide the lemmings towards the trampoline and to freedom (#5).
Over The Top
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 35
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 70
Make the first two lemmings a climber (#1). The first one must be made a left turner (#2). The second one must build over the second deflectorblock (#3). Now wait until he turns a climbs the wooden wall, dig down in the middle (#4).
The Hanger
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 35
Available time: 05:00
Lemmings to save: 63
Make the first lemming a blocker and the second one a left turner when he turns back from the blocker. Build with the third one and make the fourth one a blocker on stairs. Now build with the free lemming over the green puddle (#1). Make that lemming a turner when he's near the exit (#2). Now free the lemmings with a basher (#3).
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: 3D Lemmings, DOS platform.