A Block from Home
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
93% to be saved
Release rate: 20
Available time: 04:00
Turn the first lemming into a blocker. Build over the gap and bash through the obstacle. Now build up and out of the little pit.
32 Lemmings Below Zero
Number of lemmings that drop: 32
78% to be saved
Release rate: 32
Available time: 07:00
Turn the second and third lemming into a blocker and mine through the obstacle with the first one. Build two stairs and free the lemmings.
At Home in a Cave
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
97% to be saved
Release rate: 10
Available time: 04:00
Turn the first lemming into a floater and dig down with the second one. When he's deep enough, mine to the right. Let the first lemming bash through the wall to get to the exit.
Presents of Mind
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
96% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 04:00
Let the first lemming of the right entrance build over the gap at the far right. Now let the first lemming of the left entrance bash through the obstacle and build over the gap. Let one lemming of the right entrance bash towards the exit.
Yo-yo Lem-lem
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
100% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 04:00
Let the first lemming build to the first obstacle. Turn the next four or five lemmings into a climber. The first lemming on top of the obstacle should build over the pit. When needed turn more lemmings into a climber.
Marshmallow Land
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
93% to be saved
Release rate: 10
Available time: 04:00
Turn the second lemming into a blocker and build over the gap with the first one. Bash through the obstacle and blow up the blocker.
Head for the Hills!
Number of lemmings that drop: 10
100% to be saved
Release rate: 20
Available time: 03:00
Let every lemming build into the rock so they turn around towards the exit.
The Long Way Around
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
90% to be saved
Release rate: 20
Available time: 04:00
Use three bombers to blast through the floor (turn a lemming into a blocker and then into a bomber). Let one lemming bash through the wall and build over the two gaps. Block the other lemmings.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: Holiday Lemmings 1994, Amiga platform.