Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 04:00
Turn a lemming into a superlem and guide him to the platform underneath the pit. Use a mortar to blow a gap in the pit. Now just wait.
Perpetual motion
Number of lemmings that die: 1
Available time: 03:00
Give the first two lemmings magnetic boots. When the first lemming is on top of the first obstacle, let him jump and platform over the gap. Let the second lemming explode so the first lemming can fall through while he's walking left. Platform to the exit and free the other lemmings with glue.
Another solution was sent to me by Soren Kristensen on 25 February 2011:
This solution will save all lemmings.
Give the first lemmings magnetic boots. When the lemming is on top of the first obstacle, let him jump and also jump over the gap so he walks to the left. While doing these moves, let another lemming jump and use it to fill the hole next to where the lemmings are gathering.
Go back to the first lemming and give it magnetic boots so it will walk around the block. When he's on top again, platform to the left. Give it boots again and continue platforming until it hits the long platform. When this happens, give him boots so he can walk towards the exit. Platform to the exit and free the other lemmings with glue.
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 05:00
Make the first lemming a climber, a runner and a slider. Let him jump off the slope towards the first obstacle. When he is on top, make him jump to the other obstacle, do this twice. Now let him slide down and jump over the gap. Let him run until he is at the rightbottom. Jump over the gap. When he is near the exit, let him hang on the ceiling. Platform and fence towards the other lemmings. When he returns, let the group of lemmings stamp down. Free them by fencing to the right.
The Vortex
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 09:00
Pour glue in the pit so the lemmings can escape it, shoot a rope to the level up. Now make one lemming an attractor and let one lemming escape. Let him bash and stamp at the places shown in te picture. Blast away the remaining obstacles and release the attractor.
The Stainless Steel Lemm
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 09:00
Make the first lemming jump and shoot a rope over the gap, shoot it high so the lemmings can walk over it. Let second lemming stack at the base of the first rope. Now make one lemming which comes over the rope a slider and let another lemming shoot a rope to cover the gap (let the slider get through). The slider should walk to the left. Give him a balloon and blow him a level up. There, shoot a rope as shown in the picture. Now give him a bomb at the base of the rope. To free the other lemmings, give a lemming at the right side of the stack a bomb. Make sure none of the lemmings fly off the ceiling.
Lunar Olympics
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 02:45
Let one lemming jump out of the pit and over the gap. When he's at the fourth cube, make him pole vaulter to get over the obstacle. Let him climb the ceiling and hop over the gaps. When he's at the bottom, make him a runner and a climber. Now when he's almost at the end of the cubes, give him a spear at the fourth cube from the exit. The other lemmings can now be released using a filler.
GoSh It'S fUlL oF lEmMs
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 04:00
Let the first and sixth lemming jump out of the pit and over the gap. Make sure they land at the lowest of two platforms. Let the first lemming platform over the gap and when he returns, let him platform twice. Make sure he doesn't get to the wall. The second lemming shoot platform over the lower gap. When the first lemming walks towards the exit, let him blast through the obstacle. Now free the other lemmings using a stamper.
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 04:00
Let the first lemming at the very beginning of the second slope. Let the second lemming stack underneath the ceiling. Make the first lemming a climber and when he's finished stacking, make him jump right and climb the platform. The second lemming must shimier to the left. When the climber is transported to the bottom, give him a laser at the place shown in the picture. The other lemmings trapped there can stamp free, make sure they walk left. Let the climber jump onto the chain and give the chain full speed. Release the lemming into the maze and let it walk into the transporter. He comes back near the left entrance. Give him a laser so he beams away the first stack.
Inside The Steel Box
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 06:00
Let the first lemming stack as close as possible to the right obstacle. When he walks to the right, let him shoot a rope twice. He will enter the teleport and when he exits above, make hime a runner. Let him build stairs and platform over the trap. Now build stairs again and free the other lemmings using a rope. Let the first lemming platform and make sure the platform is beneath the teleport entrance, so both can be used.
Frontier of surreality
Number of lemmings that die: 0
Available time: 05:00
Let the first lemming jump out of the pit (jump twice) and make him a runner. Now let him jump twice to the left. He will reach the teleporter. When he gets out of the other teleporter, immediately give him a bazooka. Jump when he's at the robots feet and jump over the gap. Bash through the obstacle and make him a rock climber. Jump onto the wall and when he's near the exit, let him pour glue. Now bash away the little obstacle near the entrance and free the lemmings using a bazooka (shoot to the left).
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga platform.