Chaos Maze
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 50
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 50
Make the first lemming a climber and when he's on top of the wall, dig (#1). Make the digger a leftturner when he dug one piece away. Now use turners to get the lemmings home (#2).
Team Work
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 90
Available time: 06:00
Lemmings to save: 79
Immediately increate the release rate to 99 and make the last lemming a builder (#1). Keep building until he can get down the rope (#2). When he walks back, bash through the wall (#3) and make him a climber. Now wait until he walks around so you can build over the gap (#4) and bash through the wall (#5).
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 75
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 60
Make the first lemming that drops off the wall a blocker (#1). When the lemmings hit three reflectorblocks, bash through the obstacle and make a lemming a right turner when your throught (#2). Wait until the lemmings turn to the left and bash through the reflector block (#3). The first lemming that uses the transporter, must build when he get's out (#4). Near the exit, use your last turner (#5).
Away Team
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 55
Available time: 07:00
Lemmings to save: 74
Make the first lemming from every entrance a turner to the middle as late as possible (#1). In the middle make those lemmings a turner towards the head of the ship (#2). When they get on top of the head, use to left turners (#3).
Birthday Cake
Number of lemmings that drop: 20
Release rate: 5
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 20
Wait until the first lemmings walks back and hits two reflectorblocks, make him a builder (#1). Now make a lemming near the entrance a climber (#2). When he's on top of the slope, dig and mine to create a wall (#3). Let him walk on and near the exit, bash through the white and blue wall (#4).
The Arena
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
Release rate: 50
Available time: 07:00
Lemmings to save: 44
Blow up the first lemming when he's at the end between the stone and brick wall (#1). The lemmings will walk towards the exit, use a turner and a builder to get there (#2).
T Minus Five And Counting
Number of lemmings that drop: 40
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Lemmings to save: 39
Immediately turn the release rate to 99 and make the first lemming a bomber when it hits the dark gray block (#1).
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 70
Available time: 07:00
Lemmings to save: 50
Make the first lemming from the outer entrance a turner and the second one a bomber so he blows up on the lower piece in the wall. The first lemming from the inner entrance should be made a blocker (#1). Now use turners to guide the lemmings from the outer entrance and set on to blow up on the lower pieces in the wall (#2). Repeat this five times. Near the end of the gray path, use the turners to get to the really end and blow up one lemming on the very last block. The remaining lemmings must be turner to the left sooner so they are in line with the lemmings from the inner entrance (#3). Now wait until the lemmings get home.
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
Release rate: 50
Available time: 07:00
Lemmings to save: 74
Make the first lemming a floater and the second one a blocker (#1). Mine down with the first lemming when he's in the large pit (#2). When he floats down and walks to the right, build and mine when's on top of the block (#3). Now blow up the blocker (#4).
Death Slide
Number of lemmings that drop: 40
Release rate: 20
Available time: 10:00
Lemmings to save: 25
Make the first two lemmings a climber. When they are over the wall, make the first a turner and the second one a builder. Once the builder is over the water, mine (#1). Now go back to the other lemmings and complete the bridge (#2). Build over the reflector block and make the builder a turner (#3). Use another turner and build towards the slope (#4). At the beginning of the rope, use a blocker (#5).
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: 3D Lemmings, DOS platform.