Lemmings in the attic
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
84% to be saved
Release rate: 20
Available time: 08:00
The first lemmings must build some stairs to the exit. Make another lemming a blocker.
Bitter Lemming
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
80% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 08:00
Make the first lemmings floaters and build stairs in the pit to prevent the lemmings to drop dead. Let one lemming climb out of the pit and mine to the exit, build some stairs. Make two other lemmings climb out of the pit. Turn one into a blocker and let the other mine to the pit.
-= Another solution from Danbuster =-
There are 50 lemmings and exactly the right number of skills to make it possible. Make all the lemmings Floaters so that they'll survive the drop. Then make one lemming a Climber. He'll walk along the top. At the end, make him a Builder to reach over to the exit... then just make all the others Climbers so that they can follow him!
Lemming Drops
Number of lemmings that drop: 100
70% to be saved
Release rate: 1
Available time: 08:00
Turn the first lemming into a blocker. Build stairs to the left, every lemming should fall in the pit. Turn one lemming in to a climber and turn it into a blocker on top of the wall. Make another lemming climb out of the pit and let it build some stairs (the longest one). At the top, turn it into a floater. When he hits the ground, make it build stairs towards the exit. He should reach the metal wall and walk back. Now build some stairs towards the beginning point. When he walks back, build your way out the pit with the metal walls. Build one last stair to the exit and your down. The last thing to do is building out of the pit.
Number of lemmings that drop: 80
87% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 06:00
Block at the left and bash through the skull and the other obstacles. Build over the gap and to the exit.
Ozone friendly Lemmings
Number of lemmings that drop: 10
60% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Turn the first four lemmings into a exploder (don't blow up five lemmings, because you need to save six).
Luvly Jubly
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
80% to be saved
Release rate: 76
Available time: 05:00
Start mining near the first obstacle. Turn the miner into a basher and bash towards the grid. Explode some lemmings to get to the exit.
Diet Lemmingaid
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
96% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Explode a lemming to get a floor lower. Turn another lemming into a bomber to explode the obstacle. You have to do this at the middle of the thick floor at the right.
It's Lemmingentry Watson
Number of lemmings that drop: 10
90% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Dig down the last pillar, one lemming should explode making a gap to the exit.
Postcard from Lemmingland
Number of lemmings that drop: 50
100% to be saved
Release rate: 50
Available time: 05:00
Turn one lemming into a athlete. When he is near the exit, let it dig down. After 4 or 5 digs, turn it into a builder. He should bounce back when he hits the right wall. Now let it mine down towards the pit. Inside the pit, let it bash through the wall to get to the other lemmings. Don't forget to turn the lemming into a floater since you need to save 100%.
One way digging to freedom
Number of lemmings that drop: 100
95% to be saved
Release rate: 60
Available time: 04:00
Two lemmings must climb over the obstacle. Turn one into a blocker and let the other bash through the wall. Don't forget to block at the left.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings, Amiga platform.