Number of lemmings that drop: 54
Available time:
Lemmings to save: 1
Let one lemming jump all the way to the left and pick up the spades. Let it walk back to the right and jump over the first two gaps. Let another lemming jump over the first gap at the right side of the entrance. Let this lemming walk away the desintegrating steps that form a piramide, pick up the spades and walk to the right. Jump when he is near the firedoor. Now bash towards the trapped lemming and bash towards the other side. Make the trapped lemming a blocker. With the lemming that bashed away the obstacles, bash away some ceiling so the bricks will fall down. Pick up the bricks and first disable the firedoor. Walk to the right again and build stairs towards the trainwagons. Let the lemming that was trapped, pick up the spades and bash away the obstacle with all the spades and bash away the next obstacle up diagonally. Make it walk back when he's throught. The builder can now finish his work making stairs towards the exit and the other lemmings can be saved with the marked lemming that picked up the spades. Bash away all the obstacles so the lemmings can walk towards the exit.
Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.
Main source: own words.
Graphics: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga platform.