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Quick solution

Oh no! More Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Oh no! More Lemmings, Amiga, Havoc, 15 - Have an ice day Level 15

  • Have an ice day

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 10

  • 80% to be saved

  • Release rate: 20

  • Available time: 06:00

  • Skills: Oh no! More Lemmings, Amiga, Havoc, 15 - Have an ice day
  • Overview: Oh no! More Lemmings, Amiga, Havoc, 15 - Have an ice day
  • Dig down at the place shown in the picture and turn the second lemming into a blocker. Build over the water and bash so you get at the place at the right. Build over the first water and over the next water. Make sure there's no gap left between the stair and the wall. Build up towards the exit and over the obstacle. Turn the lemming into a blocker and blow him up at the right of the exit. Don't forget to release the other lemmings in time.

    Easier solution sent to me by Ash Thomas on 8 January 2010:

    The first lemming must build near the ice trap, but must not reach the obstacle. Turn the second lemming into a blocker.Build over the first two spots of water and continue walking. Just before the first lemming will drop down into the water, let him build. When he's finished, turn him into a blocker.

    Build over the blocker near the entrance and destory those stairs to keep the lemmings trapped. Let the free lemming walk to the blocker near the exit. When he hits the blocker and turns left, build up towards the exit and over the obstacle. Dig down to activate the exit. Don't forget to release the other lemmings in time.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Oh no! More Lemmings, Amiga platform.